2025 Abstract Guidelines


Submit a Poster Abstract Submit a Video Abstract


The WIO Summer Symposium is the perfect venue to present your current research projects! Consider submitting an abstract in the areas of original unpublished research, patient care, education, technology, and surgical innovations.

Accepted poster abstracts will be invited to present an electronic poster with a brief oral synopsis. The three top scoring abstracts will receive a monetary prize and be invited to give an oral presentation on the main stage during the meeting. The top scoring abstract will be presented the Joanne Angle Abstract of Distinction Award! The purpose of these awards is to encourage women in their research efforts and to highlight the top-scoring abstracts in the areas of original research, educational value, and relevance to patient care.

Accepted video abstracts will be invited to submit a video showcasing women surgeons’ innovative and creative approaches to ophthalmic surgery. The top 3 videos will be recognized on the platform with a prize for the top scoring video.



  • Abstract submission will be open from February 4, 2025 to March 27, 2025. There are no revisions after the submitted abstract.
  • ONLY ONE ABSTRACT DEADLINE will be strictly enforced. Changes to abstracts may not be made past the submission deadline.
  • There is a limit of one (1) abstract submission per Presenting Author. There is no limit to the number of times an individual may appear as a co-author of abstracts.
  • The presenting author is required to submit the abstract and be a current WIO Member in good standing at the time of submission.
  • NEW THIS YEAR: Submission of Case reports-only from medical students, PGY-1, PGY-2.
  • NEW THIS YEAR: Submission of case series or prospective research or retrospective research–from PGY-3 and above.
  • By submitting an abstract, the presenting author agrees to be available to present on the day they are assigned.
  • To take advantage of Early Bird registration rates, Presenting Authors are strongly encouraged to register for the Summer Symposium prior to being notified about the acceptance of their abstract. Early Bird rates will not be honored after May 8, 2025.
  • Presenting Authors accepted for a poster presentation MUSTregister for the Summer Symposium by June 14, 2025. No exceptions. Those who are accepted, but do not register prior to June 14 will be considered withdrawals and will not be included in the final program.
  • All live posters will also be featured in the virtual portion of the meeting.
  • Withdrawals must be received in writing before June 14, 2025.


  • Abstracts must not exceed 300 words and must use generic and non-commercial names wherever possible.
  • Do not repeat the title in the abstract body, and limit title to 120 characters. Title case (upper and lower case).
  • Abstract submission is structured with the following body parts:
    • Research (respective/prospective) abstracts: Purpose, Methods, Results, Conclusions.
    • Unique case report/case series: Purpose, Case(s), Results, Conclusion(s)
  • Applications are masked and peer-reviewed by the Summer Symposium Abstract Committee.
  • WIO will notify the Presenting Author of the status of their abstract by email by the end ofMay, 2025.


  • Your surgical video abstract will be reviewed by the Abstract Review Committee. The highest scoring abstracts will be invited to submit a video. Videos that are selected will be displayed on monitors throughout the Summer Symposium.
  • Top 3 Surgical Videos will be presented during the WIO 2025 SS and live scoring by the audience members for the winner.
  • All surgical video abstracts should be narrated.
  • Only one (1) surgical video abstract submission per submitting (first) author. There is not a limit to the number of co-authors.


  • Abstract submission will be open from February 4, 2025 to April March 27, 2025. There are no revisions after the submitted abstract.
  • ONLY ONE ABSTRACT DEADLINE will be strictly enforced. Changes to abstracts may not be made past the submission deadline.
  • The Senior Producer is required to submit the abstract and be a current WIO Member in good standing.
  • The written abstract and the narrated surgical video abstract must both be submitted.
  • Senior Producer / Co-Producer(s): A limit of two (2) submissions as Senior Producer and four (4) overall per meeting. WIO reserves the right to disqualify submissions that exceed these limits.
  • Submitters are required to provide contact information for all co-producers, including name and email address.
  • WIO will notify the submitter of the status of their abstract by the end of May. Accepted abstracts will be asked to submit a video.
  • All video abstracts and subsequent videos will be peer-reviewed by the WIO Summer Symposium Abstract Committee.
  • To take advantage of Early Bird registration rates, Video producers are strongly encouraged to register for the Summer Symposium prior to being notified about the acceptance of their abstract. Early Bird rates will not be honored after May 8, 2025.
  • Video producers who are accepted for video presentation MUST register for the Summer Symposium by June 14, 2025. No exceptions. Those who are accepted, but do not register prior to June 14 will be considered withdrawals and will not be included in the final program.
  • Withdrawals must be received in writing before June 14, 2025.


Video Abstracts will be judged according to educational value, originality, scientific content, clarity, and expert use of medium. If your abstract is selected, you will be invited to submit a video. To help you prepare your video submission, please see the following guidelines:

Abstract Format:

  • Do not repeat the title in the abstract body, and limit title to 120 characters, Title case (upper and lower case).
  • Abstracts must not exceed approximately 120-150 words (max of 1,000 characters for the body of the abstract, including spaces). If the abstract is too long, it will not be successfully submitted.
  • You do not need to include headings in video abstracts
    • Use generic names wherever possible

Subject Classification:

  • Be as specific as possible when making your selection; you may only select one topic.
  • Video submissions require a Background Statement (250 characters) as part of the application. This is an opportunity to relay additional information to the selection committee and should not be an exact duplication of the abstract text. The Background Statement is a succinct statement explaining the background of why this study was undertaken or reported. This text will not be published and is for the use of the selection committee.
  • Producers should be prepared to enter information regarding IRB approval, time limits and copyright authorization into the application.


  • The maximum length of video presentations is 3 minutes
  • Videos may be formatted in MPEG, AVI, WMV, or QuickTime (MOV) with a maximum resolution of 1280×720.
  • MPEG-4 is the preferred format.
  • Do not use DivX compression.
  • Videos must be in the final, edited version with sound in English.
  • Videos should include a brief second introduction during which all authors are credited and any and all financial interest is acknowledged. Financial disclosure is required even if the producer has no financial interest.
  • Even though disclosure has been made, videos should not promote the use of any commercial product.
  • Please ensure that you have permission to use any image presented as part of the video. This includes a license for copyrighted material and release forms from any patient(s) recognizable in the video.
  • Use of copyrighted music or materials is forbidden without written authorization. By submitting your video under these instructions, you represent that you have or do not need such authorization and you agree to indemnify and defend WIO from all claims based on copyright infringement.

Do not hesitate to contact info@wioonline.org with any questions.