
Penny Asbell


New York, NY
Mount Sinai School of Medicine
Current Job
Professor of Ophthalmology, Director of the Cornea Service, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY
MBA-- Baruch, City College of New York, 1998; MD, State University of New York, 1975 BA, University of Chicago, 1968
Areas of Expertise
Cornea/External Disease, Cataract/Refractive Surgery, Uveitis/Ocular Immunology
Willing to Travel Outside of the U.S.
Type of Research
Research Expertise

Cornea: external disease ( dry eye, MGD, infections), refractive surgery ( UVcross linking, Intacs, laser), corneal surgery - KPro, big bubble keratoplasty Cataract - new IOLS, imaging, HOA

Titles of Previous Presentations

•UV crosslinking - an evidence based review- CLAO 2011, Mass E and E 2010 •Keratoprosthesis for endstage corneal diseases: Annual Podos Day at MSSM, 2012, •“Herpes Simplex Diagnosis and Treatment”, with Video, Cornea Visiting Professor, Ho Chin Ming City Eye Hospital, Ho Chin Ming City, Vietnam, April 9-13, 2012. •CLAO Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, January 27, 2012 “International Workshop on Meibomian Gland Dysfunction”. • •“Preserving Ocular Surface Health”, IOP and Other Critical Factors in the Management of Glaucoma, Geneva, Switzerland, February, 11, 2012. •11th International Symposium on Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics (ISOPT), Vienna, Austria, December 1 – December 4, 2011, “Biomarkers for Inflammation of the Ocular Surface”. •“TRUST Study: Ocular Infections and Antibiotic Resistance”, Farewell Dinner Speaker, Imperial City Eye Meeting IV, Hue City, Vietnam, April 4-6, 2012. •American Academy of Ophthalmology, Refractive Surgery Subspecialty Interest Group, - "Phakic IOLS: My First and Last Choice" Chicago, IL, Oct. 22, 2011, panelist.