Women in Ophthalmology is committed to promoting diverse membership and leadership. We strive to empower women ophthalmologists from all backgrounds to achieve their aspirations.
WIO is proud to offer the following scholarships:
WIO is pleased to offer three scholarships for women who are URiM residents in ophthalmology and encourage all that are eligible to apply. We are aware that there are many groups that face adversity in our polarized social climate and groups that face disadvantages in our society. We are focused, however, to address the problem of women who belong to the group that are under-represented in medicine (URiM). Our definition of URiM is a resident whose racial and ethnic identity is under-represented in the medical profession relative to the general population. This includes those persons who identify as African American and/or Black, Hispanic/Latino, Native American/American Indian, Alaskan Native, Pacific Islander, and Mainland Puerto-Rican.
These scholarships include complimentary Summer Symposium Registration and a monetary stipend to apply towards the costs of attending the meeting. Applicants must be WIO members and currently enrolled in a residency program.
Apply for URiM Scholarships